The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) are organizing a comprehensive training course on Sanitation Safety Planning (SSP) to support both national and local efforts to improve sanitation services in Jordan. This five-day training course is taking place in Amman, Jordan from  16th-20th February 2025.

Target audience

The training is designed for two main groups

Policy makers and decision-makers: representatives from ministries such as Health, Agriculture, Water, and Irrigation. They are invited to attend to the event on the first morning (Sunday, February 16th, from 9:30 AM to 10:45 AM, including coffee break) and in the final session on Thursday (February 20th at 11:00 AM, with lunch included).

Practitioners: representatives of local governments, water utilities, NGOs, consultants, and other stakeholders . They are invited to attend the entire event (February 16th to 20th) to learn the SSP methodology and receive training as facilitators for future national and local SSP initiatives.



SSP Training Materials

Group SSP template - Alfuhais and Maheis
PPT 4. Module 4
PPT 0. Introductory session
PPT 5. Module 5
PPT 1. Module 1
PPT 6. Module 6
PPT 2. Module 2
Worksheet, Preparing for field visit
PPT 3. Module 3

Work Group Materials

Presentation, final group work
Handout, description of locality and sanitation system
PPT Template, final presentation